Typical passkeys architecture
A typical passkeys solution requires a webauthn back-end service, Authsignal provides both client and server SDKs to deliver passkeys to your users

Authsignal's Java SDK allows engineers to implement passkeys server side calls in Java/JVM server environments. Authsignal's suite of passwordless MFA authentication factors are also available through the Java SDK.

Click here to view the SDK documentation

Click here to view our documentation to get started with Passkeys using the Java SDK

Passkeys Enrollment example

Server side call

TrackRequest request = new TrackRequest();
request.userId = user.id;
request.action = "enrollPasskey";
request.scope = "add:authenticators";

CompletableFuture<String> token = authsignal.track(request).thenApply(response -> response.token);

Passkeys Enrollment using the Java SDK

Client side call

const resultToken = await authsignal.passkey.signUp({ token, userName });