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Scale your marketplace with trust and confidence.

Authsignal enables marketplaces and super-apps to feel confident about releasing features that require high security, such as Banking as a Service (BaaS), Crypto, or Loyalty. With our bespoke out-of-the-box MFA flows, you can expand your footprint while knowing your customer accounts are secured.

Effortless UX

Simply drop in our top-tier Authenticator Enrolment and Challenge flows. Add your logo and away you go.

No-code rules engine

Gain fine-grained control of your fraud customer journeys with our powerful no code rules engine.

Single view of the customer

Our Track Action API offers a single FraudOps view of your customers, bringing peace of mind to Fraud and Operational teams.

Adaptive MFA for Auth0: Customize MFA UX to reduce consumer friction without upgrading your plan
In this blog post, we will dive deeper into how you can fine-tune the MFA user experience with only some minor tweaks to your integration code.
myGov Passkeys Implementation: Passkeys and MFA for Australia Government Services
Explore myGov's passkey implementation, enhancing Australia's government digital security amid rising cybercrime. Learn about best practices for implementing passkeys.
WhatsApp for 2FA and MFA: Enhancing Customer Experience and Reducing Costs with WhatsApp OTP
High SMS costs in Asia-Pacific and the prevalence of WhatsApp are driving enterprises to adopt WhatsApp OTPs for user verification, offering a cost-effective and reliable solution.
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Secure your customers’ accounts today with Authsignal.