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Passkeys Support for AWS Cognito & Amplify

July 17, 2023
Last Updated:
July 29, 2024
Justin Soong
AWS Cognito & Amplify Passkey support with Authsignal

Learn how to enable Passkeys support for AWS Cognito and Amplify in your native iOS and Android applications with React Native using our implementation guide.

The guide walks through the simple steps to get your native application iOS and Android integrated with passkeys using React Native.

Android and iOS Passkey support on AWS cognito and amplify
Android and iOS Passkey support on AWS Cognito and amplify

Additionally, the guide talks through the following steps to configure and implement.

Example of React Native + Amplify (Sign in with passkeys)
import {Auth} from 'aws-amplify';
import {authsignal} from '../config';

let cognitoUser: any;

const onPressSignIn = async () => {
  cognitoUser = await Auth.signIn(userName);
  const {token} = cognitoUser.challengeParam;
  const {data} = await authsignal.passkey.signIn({token});
  await Auth.sendCustomChallengeAnswer(cognitoUser, data);

And that's it. It's that simple with the Authsignal SDKs and guides to get passkeys supported with AWS Cognito and Amplify, the same flows can also be achieved with web browser flows, and we'd cover this in future blog posts.

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